Clothing Styles
Make sure your clothing flatters you. Baggy clothes might make you look larger than you are. If you think you have large arms, be careful of sleeveless styles, they can make your arms look fuller.
Wild to mild
We won't tell you what you can and can not wear. A little sexy is OK, but don't make ALL of your outfits that way. As long as your parentユs approve, we don't care. But remember your yearbook probably has a dress code.
Be careful of situations such as flowered underwear with white pants. Or a white bra and a black sleeveless shirt. Please wear appropriate foundation attire for each outfit. Flesh colored is the best. Also, if you need a strapless bra, bring one. Tucking the straps down usually shows and looks bad with regular clothes. With today's thin fabrics, carefully select these pieces so you can't see unsightly lines.
Finger and toe nails
Nails show!! If they have the paint all chipped off, it will show. Many casual shots are done barefoot, so don't forget about those toes!
Avoid real bright colors. Natural or basic work best. We don't want to draw attention to your neon orange toe nails. And they may look really bad with your next outfit!
Makeup should only be slightly heavier than normal. About like you might wear in the evening. Mascara should be clean and contain no clumps. So if your mascara is old and clumpy, replace it first.
Tips For Emphasizing Cleavage
Lean forward, bring arms together at the waist, clasp hands together below the waist, keeping arms straight at the elbows, cross arms.
Tips for Minimizing Cleavage
Lean backward, slouch, keep arms apart, raise arms above shoulders or above head.